15. Formulate the second answer sentence

Canvas instructions Step 15: the 2nd answer sentence formulate with all red framed nouns including prefixes (result is the optimal selection of the influencing variables with the fastest possible effect)

Come to action!

With the 2nd answer-sentence you get the, sometimes in the first moment contra-intuitive, instructions what you should do next.

For example, those who have too many kilos on their scales may not have the answer “exercise daily”, but “have their thyroid examined”.

formulate 2. reply sentence

For this purpose formulate a meaningful sentence as in the 1st answer sentence, but now from the influence variables framed in red incl. prefixes. The sentence is introduced with “I should start with…”.

Even here, write the set with the influence quantities that have by far the highest value from the division of outgoing and incoming arrows. In any case, you should consider the nouns that do not have an incoming arrow, i.e. E=0. Why? Because this component apparently has no dependency and can be tackled without precondition or at least deserves an intensive first look. If you have forgotten an incoming arrow, the answer sentence changes accordingly. The exercise with several self-made Kubernetik also helps here.

Example of a 2nd response sentence

With regard to the question “How do I manage to eat healthier” several nouns in the relationship map were framed in red, which have by far the highest quotients or no incoming arrows.

Example-Crossover with red framed influence sizes
Example-Crossover with red framed influence sizes

This leads, for example, to the following possible response sentence with the most pronounced influencing variables: “I should start with a blood test at the family doctor and I should ask my fit friends for advice.”

Example for 2nd response sentence in canvas

What is the ratio behind the 2nd Reply Set?

An influencing variable that has more effects on other components than it is influenced by others. I.e. like the football player who stamps the game because he distributes significantly more balls than he gets. For example, by taking responsibility in the system for free kicks, throw-ins, penalties. It is important to strengthen these distributors. These have a greater effect on the overall system – in football a better match for the team – than they are statistically influenced on average by it.

The ultimate influence component to start with to steer the system in the desired direction is, of course, the one where there are no incoming arrows. Applied to the soccer game, that would be the coach. He influences the players directly, but the players do not influence him directly, at most indirectly. Therefore, the coach has the greatest control effect on his team’s game. These control levers, which have little, preferably no so-called dependencies, are rewarding starting points to get into optimized action and thus move the entire system in your desired direction.

Cybernetics with “y” is derived from the ancient Greek STEUERMANN. He steers the ship’s system, of which he himself is a part.

</block quota>

Kubernetiks are always individual

Every created Kubernetik will be different from other people or teams. Because everyone will, even on the identical question, understand other influencing variables as relevant for themselves and describe or network them. Therefore each answer sentence is individual and mostly unique. That’s why your solution is always made for you and seldom applicable one-to-one by and for others. This is always the reason why your own problems can only be solved by yourself. Of course always best under the support and guidance of experts.

Expert response rates

That you do not only swim in your own juice, but also with your new knowledge from the made Kubernetik, it helps a lot to look at professionals or to consult them.

Although you can venture surprisingly deep into an unknown area without a lot of knowledge and can noticeably accumulate information and knowledge about it, experts lift you more effectively and faster to the next level. Best of all those who are there where you want to go or who have successfully fixed a problem that you also want to solve. A doctor who has had the same disease, who has overcome it, will usually be able to help the patient more and be trusted.

With the Expert-Kubernetiks on this website different questions and also repeated questions of different experts shall be given incentives on how to approach a topic. So you can profit from professionals by following them or finding your own way out of all the reflection and comparison.


Who holds the central control levers of his system skillfully in the hand, becomes master of the complexity. Not who knows that in football you have to score more goals than you collect – that would be the first answer for the sports press.

Therefore, Kubernetik is one of the most effective known methods to find out from a myriad of possible action alternatives the one that allows an optimal identification of the control levers and a simple prioritization of the action steps.

Next last 16th step

In the next 16. step you will derive concrete ToDos from the 2nd answer sentence, which you will implement in the next 2 weeks.
