4. Underline main words with colors

Canvas Guidance Step 4: Underline nouns that belong together with a color (each color represents a category)

Categorize with crayon

This step is made easy and fast. Use several coloured pencils. Each colour corresponds to a category of your choice. Then underline the nouns with the same color, which fall into the same category for you and match. Only one coloured underscore per noun.

Why categorize with colors?

As almost all single steps of Kubernetik, the categorization is also kept simple. Nevertheless, we must warn against taking a Kubernetik step lightly or omitting it. In interaction, every component of Kubernetik is relevant and must not be neglected by the untrained Kubernetik user.

The categorization, like each of the 16 steps, offers the opportunity to reconsider the influence variables and prefixes: are they still intelligently chosen from the current new perspective, still meaningful, do they lack an influence variable, etc.?

The aim of color sorting is to cluster related influence quantities. This helps to make the later impact diagram clearer. Anyone who has made several Kubernetiks knows what is meant.

Categorization vs. Relational

finding categories should be quite easy for most people in the western world. We live, so to speak, in a world of categories. While answering the question,

What is a stool?


most people would answer in this way: “a piece of furniture” and thus name it in a category system, children and Far Eastern cultures would rather answer: “a chair is something you sit on”. So something relational. Kubernetik uses both ways of thinking in order to exploit the full human potential.

main words underline with colors

Important, use several coloured pencils! Now underline the nouns with colored pencils that belong together. So the nouns – and not the prefixes – that subjectively feel to you as if they belonged together in some way. I.e. can be named as a category. If a noun fits you in several categories, choose the best one!

In Kubernetik you have to learn to decide. There is always only one prefix, one category, etc. which is the most relevant.


If you had defined the nouns as in the example under 2. Influence sizes brainstorm, then the following category names could be defined:

Category (e.g. nouns underlined in blue): Food
  • Sugar
  • Vegetables
Category (e.g. green): One-time action
  • Cooking course
  • Blood test
  • Bio shop shopping
  • Friends ask
Category (e.g. orange): sustainable operation
  • Shopping organic food stores
  • Trying out the diet

You could have designed the categories differently. For example after “I can control” or “is only in the influence area”. Or “people” (friends, cooking course, blood test doctor), “harmful” (sugar), “healthy” (vegetables, health food store), etc.

Rules for categorization

Don’t head yourself! It’s not decisive in the end how good your categorization is.

  • use a category that subjectively fits you well
  • only 1 category per noun
  • a noun can also be used as a category itself
  • it is ok if a category contains only 1 noun
  • at least 1 noun. 10 Influence sizes should you come to at least 3 categories
  • If a 2nd category would also fit well, place the noun later in the map near the 2nd category cloud (rather something for the practiced – see later)

Next Step 5

In the next 5. Step you will define a category name for each color and enter it into the relationship map.

