2. Brainstorm Influencing factors

2. Step: Determine influencing factors

The task

In this step it is necessary to design a list of nouns, optionally with verbs. I.e. you should come up with at least 8 nouns that spontaneously come to mind that might be relevant for the question asked.

Examples for influence quantities

On an e.g. asked question

“How do I manage to eat healthier?”


could contain the following nouns with optional verbs:

  • Cooking course
  • Shopping in organic food stores
  • Sugar
  • Vegetables
  • Trying out a diet
  • Blood test
  • Internet research
  • Ask friends

Mass instead of class

Here applies again: just write down everything you can think of. Whether it seems super-relevant to you or rather unimportant, write it down unfiltered! It depends here on the mass and not the quality.

Why? Sometimes even superficially stupid ideas have an impact on later very good new approaches. In addition, you should not think too much, but just do it and let your subconscious work and write for you. Don’t worry if the words are well formulated. You know what that means.

Try not to need more than 10min!


The target group of Kubernetik are people who “no longer see the forest for trees”, “stuck” are in the multitude of options they could pull. Therefore it should be very easy for you to find more than a dozen influence sizes for a really important question in your life. In the end, you’re only writing once on a piece of paper in an orderly fashion, which has been buzzing around in your head for a long time. Just writing it down should help you, the feeling of control over your challenge comes back. And that feels good!

Insufficient space on the canvas?

It can therefore easily happen that you determine more influence sizes than the 13 free empty lines on the Kübernetik canvas. My recommendation here:

  • if you haven’t worked through the Kubernetik at least three times in detail, then first learn with less than or equal to 13 influence sizes. You should do a second Kubernetik later anyway to the same question or from the learned changed question. Then you can let all your experiences flow into it. You are allowed to shoot the penalty kick several times until you have scored your goal. The practiced Kubernetik therefore also gives a kind of guarantee of success, if you follow the method eagerly and diligently.
  • if you are an experienced Kubernetik user and have created several Kubernetiks, simply write the many influencing variables on a paper or flipchart instead of in the canvas. Experience shows that even for people who are reflected in their themes, there are about 20 influencing variables and so it is not easy to find more quickly. Who finds 40 or more, no problem. Write them down!

weed and beets or what?

The inclined perfectionist may feel some abdominal pain simply writing words down. Especially, if these words a) are only felt or subjective at first, b) are mixed with real facts, c) are mixed up with different levels of abstraction (e.g. marketing as an umbrella term could be in the list as well as the hierarchical Facebook marketing), etc.

Anyways, don’t worry about the mess! The Kubernetik will automatically determine the words of the chicken pile, which may be perceived as being whirled in a mixed up way and which at first do not seem to belong together, in the course of the processing. Kubernetik is constructed in such a way that it is robust in terms of system theory and has included self-healing effects. So you can’t do anything wrong!

This also includes the fact that if you have other ideas about influence sizes at a later date, you can simply add, change or remove them. How it occurs to you.

Make it crack

So quickly write down everything you can think of in the list and don’t block yourself. Most people don’t find it difficult to write down lists, as this is our way of thinking in western countries. The influence sizes you write, however, are your personal and few in this world will find exactly the same words for themselves. So for the above How question you can expect a different noun set if someone is allergic, likes cooking, is 65 years old, and so on. It’s your list and also your cognitive nerve that makes up your individuality.

What’s next?

Unhindered by this, one should always get suggestions from other people and above all from experienced specialists. Therefore there are regularly Kubernetiks of experts in their field on the Kubernetik page. A nourishing expert will dedicate itself surely sometime also to this placed health question in similar form.

You may be lucky and one of the experts randomly specializes in your important question and does a similar Kubernetik. Then you can learn something from professionals and refine your Kubernetik to get even better results.

If you want to stay tuned, sign up for the Kubernetik-Newsletter.

Sometimes even several experts will come up with only one solution. This would be the case e.g. for certain mathematical questions. In the majority of cases, challenges are never without alternatives and are context-dependent and individual!

Next 3rd step

In the next 3. Step you will describe the nouns with prefixes.
