Open and download the PDF with 16-step instructions HERE
Visualization helps
Experience shows that visual representation helps people to better understand complexity. The most important tool for Kubernetik is therefore the Kubvernetik canvas. It is a one-sided sheet. The PDF can be downloaded and printed free of charge.
16-step instructions
In the form of 16 steps, the Kubernetik technician approaches his complex question. The artist works with different coloured pencils. Duration 20-60 min. depending on the exercise. At the end a networked system is shown. From this two answer sentences are simply derived to the question posed at the beginning. And in order to get into action right away, the next best to-dos are also defined.
Canvas with and without instructions
In the beginning it helps a lot if you use the canvas with instructions on the right side. This allows you to proceed quickly and systematically without omitting an important step. A more detailed description of the individual steps with tips and tricks can be found in the section “How it works“.
Who is already practiced in Kubernetik does not need the manual anymore. Coaches don’t need it either if they lead the participants through the Kubernetik in workshops.
Open and download the PDF with 16-step instructions HERE
Open and download the PDF as Clean-Version without instructions HERE
190401_kuebernetik_clean_v1Experts Kubs
A filled canvas is also called “a Kubernetik” or “Kub”. Expert Kubs can be found in the section “Experts Kubs“. These are Kubernetiks which specialists in their field have created for a question and which provide the reader with a suggestion as to how a certain complex question could be answered.