Expert Küb by Dennis Fischer: How can I sell my guide book 10,000 times in one year?


As a book author, it is of course important to me that the book gains widespread distribution. For me it is a success if I could successfully market my guidebook. My goal: to sell my guidebooks 10,000 times in one year. Which of the many marketing possibilities I should use in which order is therefore the secret for success. My Experts-Kub in the following.

Edited Kubernetik:

Question: The “how-question” of the Kubernetik was: How can I sell my guidebook 10,000 times in one year?

Filled-in Expert Cübernetics by Dennis Fischer
Filled-in Expert C uebernetics by Dennis Fischer for Marketing a Guide Book

Response Phrase 1: Tell the Story

The most important thing is to develop a personal brand PR and win influencers in parallel in the counter-business, which will bring me valid 5-star reviews and an enlarged email list.

Response phrase 2: Best to Start

I should start with a collection of ideas to get 50 plus 5 star reviews, with support from a working student, friends and PR agency.

Top3 derive ToDos: Come into action (in next 10 days)

  1. Create list with all friends
  2. Prioritize list
  3. Call all two weeks prior to launch


I find it surprising that I strongly assumed at the beginning that I would have to spend even more budget. But the Kubernetikshowed me that I should above all activate my existing network and then not have to spend a lot on online marketing, PR, etc.

About Dennis Fischer

Dennis is a speaker and coach in the areas of Innovation, Business Model Generation and Design Thinking. In hundreds of workshops and coaching sessions, he has helped founders and companies generate new ideas and test them on the market as quickly as possible. Dennis reads passionately gladly Business councellors and presents these each week on its Blog In this context his new book was publsihed52 ways to success: The best ideas from 500 Business councellors .

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