Excel and Google sheets for the creation of cognitive characteristics
Microsoft Office Excel (Online) is one of the most used tools. Since drawing a networking diagram in the Kubernetik-Canvas is nothing else than a cross table, a Kubernetik as an influence matrix in an Excel sheet or Google Sheet. In the following the screenshots from the Excel sheet are shown. The Connectivity Google Sheet differs slightly from this.

How does the Kubernetik Excel sheet work?
16. steps in the canvas with pen and paper, the processing of a Kubernetik with Excel starts with the “How can I…?”>question. The Excel makes it easier to use the correct way to create a Kubernetik. Each step is explained on the appropriate tab sheet. In addition, from one step to the next an automatic transfer of the entered values takes place or even the calculations such as the multiplication and division of the incoming and outgoing arrows each influence quantity.
1st Excel tab “Start” with the input field for the how-question

2nd Excel tab “nouns” for brainstorming the influencing variables

3rd Excel tab “Prefixes” for the specification of the influencing variables

4th Excel tab “Relationship Map” for the mutual cause-effect networking
For this purpose, you are always asked whether the influence quantity in the row has an effect on the influence quantity in the column. If so, an “X” is entered in the table.

5th Excel tab “Answers” for the results of the question

Advantages of the Kubernetik-Excel compared to the Kubernetik-Canvas
The following advantages result in the application of Kubernetik-Excel compared to the Canvas
- because you are guided through the steps, it is easier for the user. With the Canvas, most people need a coach
- one does not need pens and printed Canvas
- it is about 50% faster to create a Kubernetik, because with mouse and keyboard input. In addition, the meshes (in the canvas the arrows) are automatically counted, calculated and even prioritized
- the amount of inputable influence variables is unlimited. With a canvas, there is not enough space for more than 13 influence variables and the relationship map becomes unclear as well. An Excel Kubernetik can be easily (later) changed or extended and reevaluated.
Kübernetik with “ü” stands for “practice”. Above all, practicing, that one gets an eye for the complexity and effective handling of a question. In order to exhaust the full spectrum of the human brain and its capabilities, it is always advisable to start with the canvas. Only then should one use the Excel. Even if you, like me, have learned to appreciate Excel in its use, whether it’s speed and easy reusability, you should always make a canvas with pen and paper as an exercise. This is the only way to master Kubernetik in its pure form step by step and to practice networked thinking for effective decisions.
- Excel is a rational tool. I.e. the network drawn in the relationship table is subject to the danger that certain effects are not set from the feeling. However, Kubernetik lives from the fact that arrows – i.e. networks – are entered that come from the subconscious. One uses thereby its intuition less. In a spreadsheet calculation, which is often understood as “cold”, some people will often not make a connection emotionally, like when an arrow is simply drawn in a canvas, because it feels good – even if you don’t know why. </Another disadvantage is that, unlike the canvas, an Excel spreadsheet cannot be easily edited by teams or supported by a coach. It’s easier if members of a team work together on a printed canvas (on the wall) and everyone can enter their perspective with a pencil. An Excel sheet is usually only edited by one person in a meeting, which can lead to a bias. Because one person does, the others give input or not.
- Although a disadvantage that has to be overcome, the unlimited Excel version for download is with costs. I provide the canvas for free, so that many people get the opportunity to practice their thinking skills for networking.
Examples of cybernetics with Excel
Some of the cybernetics on this website were already created with Excel. See for example here.

Overview of all Excel-connections
Purchase Excel free of charge and as a license
If you want to use the limited or unlimited Excel version (49€) or Google-Sheets version, just ask here.
- Use permitted for companies
- Unlimited number of influencing variables
- Excel available for download
- Excel online version for collaborative work with a team