Topics-Kubernetik: buying the right house

The topic of building or buying a house drives many people around. Just in times, in which interest is worth nothing and money savings on the account can be threatened with minus interest in the future. The dream of the own home is also an old one. If one wrestles with this decision and has the necessary means, then this should be properly met. For most people it is a decision that is made only once in their life and perhaps even the biggest financial decision.

As a result, a Topic crossover [Topics-Covernetics Category > Kuebernetik] deals with a guest author who just wanted to buy an object but finally jumped off. For the next attempt he has created Kübernetik, which allows him to select an object [Cübernetics with “ü” > visual method > effective answers to complexity]and mindfulness to certain criteria conditioned.

Further news about this topic from other authors will be linked here in the future. So everybody, who has the same question, can follow the experiences of others and minimize the mistakes or make a good deal.

The concrete question of how is:

How can we find the right house to buy in Munich?
Kübernetik: How to buy the right house
Kübernetik: How to buy the right house

Response block 1

The most important thing is to find the right house to buy is to define the suitable search criteria and at the same time exact No-Gos and to set a absolute price limit.

Response block 2

I should start with the Definition of exact No-Gos, absolute Set price limit and the Extend the initial search.


The guest author came to the conclusion that the clear definition of no-go criteria was the decisive factor. In concrete terms, the age of the house and the need for renovation are decisive. Especially after the negative first experience and almost purchase of a house, it is true that the property may be a maximum of 5-10 years old or a new building.


In this cübernetics, influence sizes of response sets 1 and 2 are overlapping. This is rarely the case. However, if this is the case, then this is an optimal starting point for action. Because if the most important thing is also controllable, one has fast better realizations, more effective decisions and desired successes.

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