14. Formulate first answer sentence

Canvas Guidance Step 14: formulate the 1st response sentence with all yellow marked nouns including prefixes (the result is the optimal storytelling with the most important influencing variables)

What is the heart of the answer to the question?

When you ask people which organ is the most important in the human body, most people answer: the heart or the brain. But of course the body only functions through the coordinated interaction of all healthy organs. Because the body is a cybernetic system.

What is the “heart” of your question? So to speak, what is the organ that seems to have the most weight?

Response record with all influence quantities marked in yellow

In Kubernetik these are your yellow marked influence factors. I.e. you only have to formulate the yellow-marked words including the prefixes in a meaningful sentence. The sentence always starts with “The most important [to answer the question] is…”

Example for the 1st response sentence

For the question “How do I manage to eat healthier food”, for example, the following Kubernetik was designed:

Example Cübernetics "Feeding healthier"
Example Cübernetics “Feeding healthier”

In the figure, the two yellow-painted influencing factors are called “diet” and “vegetables”.

This would, for example, be the 1st answer including prefix: “The most important thing is to follow a suitable diet and eat regional vegetables.”

If you have filled out more than two nouns in yellow, use them for your answer sentence, as long as the value from the multiplication clearly stands out from the other words.

What can I use the 1st Answer Set for?

The 1st answer sentence is your optimal storytelling, your best pitch, your red thread to tell your story!

The 1st answer sentence is in the end usually the sentence where one is inclined to say: “I already knew that before!”

Because it encompasses the “most important” and has a stringent effect. But attention, here the mind deceives us gladly. Because statistically the probability is not high that you will find the optimal combination for your pitch of the best story. If, for example, you have 16 influence variables and use 3 specific ones from them, the probability of having taken exactly these 3 is mathematically one to 560 (calculated from 16!/(3!*13!)). Some people may remember the lotto game 6 out of 49. Again, the probability of hitting the right sixth for the human brain is surprisingly only one in 13.9 million .

Once again, i.e. in the case of Kubernetik with 3 words out of 16, this means that you have used exactly the 3 words, has only a probability of 1 in 560. Kubernetik helps you to find the optimal solution.

This is the real magic of cübernetics! </block rate> By the way, this is also the reason why so many people who are so well versed in a subject rarely get to the heart of their subject. Because so many important points are buzzing around in one’s head and prioritization and reduction, for example to three influencing factors, can be extremely difficult.

Tips for the 1st answer set

You can also sharpen and rename the prefixes here. You have now thought about your question over 14 steps. In your brain a network has developed. That means now also that you have climbed a new understanding. This again has the consequence that you find better influence factors, prefixes, arrows etc.. Your understanding of the facts will therefore gradually become more precise and comprehensive. Let your feeling act on how you construct and formulate the sentence. Which order of influence sizes you use is up to you and how it makes sense in the sentence. Of course you can start with the nouns with the highest multiplication value, if you think it makes sense. Use subordinate clauses that include “to”, “and”, “whereby”, etc. as the answer clause. If it becomes a longer spaghetti sentence, that’s ok. For a startup pitch, company presentation etc. you should then divide the sentence into two to three. But this does not change the fact that the sentence is spoken in 10 sec and gives the story answer to the question asked.

You should rarely start with the most important!

This is a fundamental error, to which quite a few have succumbed. Especially if you organize your ToDos according to the Eisenhauer-Matrix. Seldomly is the most important thing in Kubernetik what you should touch directly concretely if you want to bring about a desired change in the system. If, for example, you have heart problems, you will not immediately perform a dangerous operation at the most central place in your body, if you still have the chance to fight the causes. It can be better to quit smoking, to eat better, to take care of less stress, to be more careful, etc.
It acts like a paradox that you should rarely start with the most important!
The 1st Answer-Sentence just doesn’t provide the guidance to start here and get into action. On the contrary. It applies to influence the most important influencing factors over other controllable influencing factors. Which these are, you formulate in reply sentence 2.

What is the ratio behind the yellow filled in influence factors?

Why is it now that the yellow influence factors with the highest multiplication values from incoming and outgoing arrows by far are the most important components for the response set? The logic is quite simple: if an influence size has many arrows, whether off or/and incoming, then it seems to be very important. Just as the human heart or brain is strongly networked in the body, the nodes of your Kubernetik are also very important components. To minimize the statistical error, multiply the values instead of adding them. Some may also object that the arrows are not weighted or have no +/- sign. In Kubernetik this is not relevant. Because here we do not model a system as in Kubernetik, but subjectively evaluate systems. Whether sugar has a positive or negative effect on your health is not of central importance. What is important is that sugar has an effect. And whether the effect is large or small is deliberately left out of the equation in Kubernetik. The background to this is that this would overtax most users and make Kubernetik too complicated for many. Without software, Kubernetik would not be possible “quickly”. In addition, it has been shown that Kubernetik usually deliver the same results when the arrows were weighted. I.e. the effort to weight does not stand in the effort to the use. Now it can happen that you forgot one or more arrows when drawing them. If necessary also influence sizes etc. were missing. There is only one answer: “Practice”. If you do the Kubernetik again, it gets even better. Nevertheless, even the first Kubernetik should have given 80% of the correct answer. If you want the answer to be more precise, then a repetition of the Kubernetik is recommended, or as a Kubernetik professional you can even develop so-called “under-Kubernetik” for individual influencing factors – more on this later elsewhere.

Next 15 Step

In the next 15. Step you will formulate the 2nd answer-sentence, which shows you what you should prioritize in order to get into action.