16. Derive To-dos

Canvas instructions Step 16: Top 3 Derive ToDos for only one of the red bordered nouns with the original value E=0 or with the largest value A/E (derive only concrete, self-controllable tasks!).

Do something!

Nothing to do is too little! Nevertheless, you can do the wrong thing and achieve the opposite. Everyone knows the yo-yo effect in diets. In the end you have more weight than before the diet. It is therefore crucial to come into action. Also the correct do, in order to obtain the desired results and successes. Now the right thing can always be relative. Nevertheless, there are better ways than others. Some ways are doomed to failure right from the start – at least an expert in the field could usually warn you in time if you had asked him beforehand.

But what?

The Kubernetik makes it quite easy for you here. The following procedure:

  • choose an influence size without incoming arrows or, if not available, the one with the highest quotient value
  • write 3 to-dos in the canvas that you implement or start in the next 2 weeks, so that the influence size is processed in a relevant way
  • Sign below with your signature your commitment to execute these to-dos

Important: these must be ToDos within your control area. So not only in the influence area or even externally determined. For example, you can control a cooking course. That you lose 3kg in the next two weeks is in the influence area, but can not necessarily be controlled – for example because your genetics or thyroid gland makes you a dash through the bill. And you can’t rely on foreign determination or talk your way out of it under any circumstances. Otherwise you can wait for the St. Nimmerleinstag without anything changing. For example, relying on the government to ban sugar as a preservative in food is unrealistic to expect that it will help you to eat healthier in the near future.

Example for 3 concrete ToDos in the next 2 weeks

As usual, write down the three and only three concrete ToDos that are feasible for you. Be as precise as “I register for a vegan cooking course”. Or like in our example to eat healthier:

  • Obtain 5 recommendations from acquaintances on blood tests
  • 3 hours of Internet research and Read 10 blog articles about healthy eating
  • agree an appointment for a blood test with a relevant physician
Three example ToDos in canvas


Hardly anything motivates you more than timely small and larger successes. Implement the 3 ToDos strictly and present yourself with success. With this swing you can derive the next three ToDos for the chosen influence size or another one. Or you can do the Kubernetik again. With the newly acquired knowledge and experience you have even more practice, so that your Kubernetik and derived actions reach an even higher level.

Kubernetik is ultimately the iterative approach to the given complexity. With every successfully performed ToDo, new knowledge and experiences, your understanding of complexity will be adapted and mastered.

Many success in practicing networked thinking, better understanding of your complexity and your new weapons to control for more success.